Xperdyte Manufacturing for Sage

Xperdyte Software is a software development and distribution company specialising in manufacturing software. Our proprietary software was developed over a period of ten years and incorporates all aspects of manufacturing operations.

The software architect, Ken Austin has over 35 years’ experience in a wide range of manufacturing industries and is a qualified Cost and Management Accountant.

Xperdyte Manufacturing provides seamless integration into both Sage Pastel Partner, Sage Evolution ERP, and Sage 300.

Xperdyte is sold and supported by a number of selected Value Added Resellers as well as expert support structures from within the Xperdyte Software company.

Software Features

Component Tracking

Component tracking records the movement of components through the resources/machines within a work centre.  Component tracking can be scheduled and all movements of components through resources can be tracked and monitored to find and overcome bottle necks.

Sage Integration

Xperdyte Manufacturing controls your production processes and brings all the aspects of your operating environment together, providing a holistic Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution for manufacturers. From material requirement planning to production scheduling, this comprehensive set of tools will help to plan, record, track, and control your daily output.

Xperdyte Manufacturing’s seamless integration with Sage Pastel Partner, Sage Evolution, and Sage 300 provide a cost-effective solution for improved manufacturing resource planning.

Xperdyte Manufacturing and Sage Pastel have partnered together to combine their skills, knowledge, and resources in order to provide an advanced manufacturing software solution.

We’re an authorised Sage 3rd Party Developer for advanced manufacturing.

Xperdyte extracts the raw materials from Sage and controls all relevant input costs throughout the production process. Xperdyte returns the production output of sub-assemblies and finished goods back into Sage.  During these processes, manufacturing variances are accounted for and reported on.

ERP Integration Packages


  • Pastel Partner
  • Evolution
  • 300
Bill of Materials

The multi-level Bill of Materials forms the basis for setting standards against which works orders are measured, thereby enabling accurate costings, effective efficiency, and complete control.

BOM structure allows for a detailed and accurate costing.

  • Elements of Costs
  • Machine overheads
  • Materials and components
  • Labour and set-up time
  • Outwork or Buyouts
  • Other cost types
  • Full Quality Control
  • Setup QC test methods
  • Apply these methods to BOM’s
  • True Production Costing
  • Compensation for yield losses
  • Powerful ‘what if’ costing scenario
  • Allocation of all costs into fixed or variable cost groups

Multiple Level BOMs
Xperdyte allows unlimited multi-level BOMs.

Work in Progress

Works Orders control the actual running and measurement of performance in production.

  • Product routing through works centres
  • Prioritise Works Orders
  • Compare actual performance against pre-determined standards
  • Allows barcode scanning for production feedback
  • Production Feedback records actual usage on all cost types
  • Materials
  • Machine Times
  • Set-up Times
  • Labour Time
  • Outwork
  • Any other costs

Costing Methods

  • Standard Cost
  • Actual Cost
  • Set Cost

Production Process

  • Discrete Manufacturing means Manufacture more than one of identical items.
  • Non-discrete or co-product output means Manufacture many co-products in one works order e.g. fashion apparel, size curves, meat processing and deboning.

Work Orders
Xperdyte Manufacturing allows you to control and measure performance with Works Order routing.

Production Scheduling

Xperdyte Manufacturing provides effortless scheduling of production tasks, with the ability to schedule Works Order at Work Centre level.

  • Graphical representation of scheduling simplifies planning and coordination.
  • With the use of Xperdyte’s Work Centre Activity application, users can identify the movement and timing of activities throughout the production process.

Interactive Scheduling
Schedule and manage production effortlessly with Xperdyte Manufacturing’s work centre activity screen.

Project Milestone Planning

Allows for the creation of project milestones where forecast plans can be set and measured against actual performance. This is useful in the building and engineering industries.

Material Requirement Planning

Our Material Requirement Planning (MRP) module simultaneously achieves three objectives:

  • To ensure that materials are available for production and products are available for customers.
  • Maintain the lowest possible material and production levels in store.
  • Plan manufacturing activities, production planning, and purchasing activities.

This intuitive software simplifies material requirement planning.

The MRP module allows daily, weekly and monthly projections and forecasts.  The process can extract customer sales orders and or sales forecasts as demand for production. This will be used to produce manufacturing and purchasing requirements.

Quality Control

Quality and Statistical Production Control

QC tests with tolerance levels can be set for:

  • QC at work centre level
  • QC o‌n lot/batch numbers
  • QC o‌n raw materials
  • QC tests during production process

Xperdyte’s quality control can produce laboratory test results together with certificate of analysis reports (COA) and certificate of compliance reports (COC).

Product Decanting

Many manufacturers require the ability to decant stock from one pack size to another whilst simultaneously controlling and calculating applicable costs.

Xperdyte Manufacturing Decanting Facility

  • Controls all the items being taken out stock which are required to produce the decanted item.
  • Returns to stock any re-usable materials extracted from the item which is being decanted from.
  • Calculates the Nett Cost of the decanted item.
Serial/Lot Tracking

Serial/Lot tracking is the ability to track items from cradle to grave.

Xperdyte’s integration with Sage Evolution’s inventory, serial number tracking and lot tracking modules allows you to keep detailed information on specific inventory items.

  • In conjunction with Sage Evolution, a Serial Number can be traced from cradle to grave.
  • In conjunction with Sage Evolution, Lot/Batch Tracking control can be achieved and managed with full traceability from cradle to grave. The serial number listing report provides information on serial number movements through production, stocking and customers sales.
  • Full recall functionality.